Error Code 0x80080005: Causes and Possible Workarounds

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Windows 10/11 regularly receives new features and fixes, but some users may encounter issues like error codes 0x8024402c, 0x8007000d, and 0x80080005 while installing updates.

Windows 10/11 error code 0x80080005 in particular has proven itself difficult to fix as it prevents further Windows Updates from being detected and installed. But what is this error all about? Should it stop you from updating Windows 10/11?

What Does 0x80080005 Error Code in Windows 10/11 Mean?

The occurrence of error code 0x80080005 is your computer’s way of telling you that a type of malware has successfully infiltrated your system. The malware will deny access within the Security Descriptors of your system’s Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), hence preventing further updates from getting through.

Since it’s a problem caused by malware, some Windows 10/11 users would immediately think that scanning and cleaning the system with a reliable PC cleaner tool or an antivirus will get rid of the problem. While it sometimes works, in some cases you need to do more than that.

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How to Fix Error Code 0x80080005

Many Windows 10/11 users have been reporting the occurrence of 0x80080005 error since the new Windows 1809 Update build was released. So in an effort to help address this problem, we have compiled below a list of possible workarounds you can try.

1. Disable All Third-Party Antivirus Software.

Third-party malware programs have a negative impact on Windows 10/11 updates. Most of the time, they go unnoticed, but when it comes to updating Windows, they cause a variety of issues to surface. Some will prevent the download of update files, while others will corrupt and delete them.

If you suspect that your third-party antivirus software is causing error 0x80080005 to occur, then try disabling some of its features. Better yet, disable the antivirus software completely before trying to download and install Windows updates.

Now, if disabling your antivirus does not fix the problem, try to completely uninstall it. Don’t worry about your safety because you will remain protected by Microsoft’s built-in Windows Defender.

2. Run DISM and SFC Scans.

If the update files are already damaged and corrupted, it’s time that you use System File Checker. It’s a built-in tool that fixes incomplete or corrupted files.

To run an SFC scan, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Select Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. In the command line, input the command sfc/scannow and hit Enter.
  4. Try to reinstall the update.

If this does not solve your problem, use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool instead. To use it, follow these instructions:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Select Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. In the command line, input the command DISC /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  4. Hit Enter.
  5. Try to reinstall the update.

3. Use Windows Update Troubleshooter.

Sometimes, a simple system glitch can keep you from downloading the latest Windows 10/11 updates. The good news is that you might be able to resolve the problem using Windows Update Troubleshooter.

To use this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows button.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Navigate to the Update & Security section.
  4. Select Troubleshoot > Windows Update.
  5. Hit the Run the Troubleshooter button.
  6. Follow the on-screen prompt to complete the troubleshooting process.

4. Reset the Components of Windows Update.

According to some Windows 10/11 users, error 0x80080005 can occur because there are problems with the components of Windows Update itself. To fix them, you have to manually reset the components by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu.
  2. Select Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. Run the commands below one by one. Make sure you hit Enter after each command.

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver


These commands should restart all the necessary components of Windows Update. You should then be able to download the update files again.

5. Change the System Volume Information Directory Permissions.

Some Windows 10/11 users reported that error 0x80080005 occurred while Windows was trying to access the System Volume Information directory. You can fix this by simply changing your system permissions.

Here’s how:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Select Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. Input this command:

cmd.exe /c takeown /f “C:\System Volume Information\*” /R /D Y && icacls “C:\System Volume Information\*” /grant:R SYSTEM:F /T /C /L

After running this command, you should now have complete access to the System Volume Information directory. Your problem should also be fixed.

6. Check Your Registry.

Error 0x80080005 can also appear because of registry problems. To fix them, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Run dialog box using the Windows + R keys.
  2. In the text field, input regedit.
  3. Hit OK.
  4. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control.
  5. Right-click on any empty space and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  6. Change the DWORD name to RegistrySizeLimit.
  7. Double-click on the newly created RegistrySizeLimit and set the value to 4294967295.
  8. Save the changes.

7. Disable the Windows Update Service.

If all else fails, try to disable the Windows Update service. You can do this by following the instructions below:

  1. Open the Run dialog box by using the Windows + R keys.
  2. In the text field, input services.msc.
  3. Hit Enter.
  4. In the Services window, find Windows Update service. Double-click on it.
  5. Navigate to the Startup Type option. Set it to Disabled.
  6. Hit Apply to save changes.
  7. Restart your computer.
  8. After your computer has rebooted, open the Services window again by repeating steps 1 to 3.
  9. Navigate to the Startup Type option again and set it to Automatic.


With the seven workarounds provided above, you should be able to find a fix for error code 0x80080005. So go ahead and proceed with updating Windows 10/11!

If you have alternative fixes or questions about error 0x80080005, let us know below.

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