What is dasHost.exe?

Exe File Format

DasHost.exe is an abbreviation for the ‘Device Association Framework Provider Host.’ It is used to connect and pair wireless and wired devices to the Windows OS, such as a mouse, printers, headphones, webcam, or even USB cables.

DasHost.exe is an essential Windows file and necessary for Windows connections and pairing operations. Under normal circumstances, it is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder with a file size of less than 100KB. This means that anything outside the C:\Windows\System32 folder and more than 100KB needs to be scrutinized further.

Is dasHost.exe a Legitimate File?

The dasHost.exe file is a legitimate Windows system file which is developed and distributed by Microsoft. It is an important file for connecting and pairing wired and wireless devices. Without this program, Windows may terminate most device connections on your PC.

However, there are times when the DasHost.exe process is not visible on the OS, and it consumes high CPU resources This can depict an untrustworthy application.

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Compatible with: Windows 10/11, Windows 7, Windows 8

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Is dasHost.exe a Virus?

No, dasHost.exe is not a virus neither is it a Trojan or malware. It is a genuine and legitimate safe Windows OS process, created and signed by Microsoft. It is not a threat to your PC.

However, dasHost.exe has a .exe extension, which denotes that it is an executable file. Executables may sometimes harm your PC. Executables have a high risk because malware creators deliberately design their programs to have executable files for easy distribution.

Malware creators can also give their malware processes the dasHost.exe file name to evade detection. For example, cybersecurity researchers have identified the following lookalike names of dasHost.exe:

  • dasHosts.exe
  • dassHost.exe
  • dasH0st.exe
  • dsHost.exe

How to Recognize Suspicious dasHost.exe Variants?

How do you recognize if the dasHost.exe on your PC is suspicious or malware in disguise? All you need to check is its location and file size.

The dasHost.exe file is genuine and safe if it is located on the C:\Windows\System32 folder with a file size of less than 100KB.


The dasHost.exe file is exclusive for Windows 8 and Windows 10/11. If you’re using any lower Windows version such as Windows 7, the presence of dasHost.exe in your PC definitely means it is a virus or a less essential process for Windows.

Here’s how to see the location and file size of dasHost.exe:

  1. Open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc or right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager.)
  2. Select the Details tab.
  3. Locate dasHost.exe, then right-click on it.
  4. On the list, select the Open file location.

Note: If your PC has more than one dasHost.exe file on the Task Manager, repeat these steps for each one. Multiple dasHost.exe is an unlikely occurrence and means that each device is using a separate process to pair to Windows.

If the dasHost.exe file opens on the C:\Windows\System32 and is less than 100KB, it is okay and working normally. However, if it is located in a different folder, you need to check further and take action. For instance:

  • If it is located in a subfolder of “C:\Program Files,” and the file size is 5,778,432 or 5,792,768 bytes, its security rating is around 96% and is highly dangerous.
  • If it is located in a subfolder of the PC’s user’s profile folder and the file size is 79,666 bytes, the security rating is about 96%, which is dangerous. In this folder, the file may appear as a compressed file.

When the threat level is that high, dasHost.exe can manipulate other programs, connect to the internet, and monitor other applications like viruses.

Why is dasHost.exe Using High CPU or Memory?

Normally, when there isn’t any actively paired device, dasHost.exe should use less than 10 MB of RAM power and near-zero percent CPU usage. If it is showing high memory or CPU usage, this could mean two things:

  • It may be an indication of a virus, in which case, you need to scan and monitor your PC for malware.
  • It is a real file, but some lingering tasks are pushing it to use high system resources.

Should dasHost.exe Be Removed

If the dasHost.exe file is located in any other location other than the C:\Windows\System32 folder, you need to remove it immediately. Removing it will help protect your computer because such a file is harmful to your PC.

To remove the dasHost.exe:

  • You can delete it manually using the Task Manager processes above, or,
  • Automatically using a quality Anti-Malware

Final Thoughts

The dasHost.exe process is important in connecting and pairing wireless and wired devices with Windows OS and should not be removed. However, if you believe that it is a malware hiding in your computer, you should remove it immediately.

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