What is a .WCM File Extension and How Do You Open It?

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File extensions tell your device what type of file you are trying to open so the operating system can easily locate the appropriate program to open it with. Popular file extensions can usually be opened using different programs. For example, you can open a .JPG file with Paint, Photoshop, File Viewer (Mac), the Photos app (Mac), and other photo editing applications. .MP3 files, on the other hand, can be opened using most media players and audio editing software.

Unfortunately, not all file extensions are as popular as JPG and MP3. WCM, for example, is an almost unknown file extension that users sometimes encounter on Windows, Macs, and other operating systems. Users, except the file creator, usually don’t know what program it was created with and how to open it.

So if you come across the file with the .WCM extension and you don’t know how to deal with it, this article should give you the information that you need. We’ll give you an overview of the WCM file extension, what programs can open it, and the safety level of the file.

What is a .WCM File Extension?

The .WCM file extension is actually associated with different programs, which means that there are different types of WCM files. It could be a macro file, a Microsoft Works communications script, or a movie file. Knowing the type of file you have is important to determine what program you can use to open the file.

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To know more about the file extension of your WCM file, follow the instructions below:

On Windows:

  1. Right-click on the file, then select Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, look for Type of file, which should give you the file type and the extension of that file.
  3. In the Opens with section, you’ll see what program you can use to open it with.

On Mac:

  1. Right-click on the file, then select Get Info.
  2. Under General, you’ll see the type of file in the Kind section.
  3. In the Open With section, you’ll see what program you can use to open it with.

If your WCM file is a macro file, then it was probably created using Corel WordPerfect. A WordPerfect Macro is an executable file that runs a series of command lines or automates tasks using the WordPerfect word processing program. You can create or record a Corel WordPerfect macro by choosing Tools > Macro > Record using WordPerfect.

If you see that the file is a communications script, then it is a type of miscellaneous file that stores a modem communication script that can be used for establishing an internet connection via dial-up. It is used by MS Works Communications and can imitate terminal modes, including VT100, ANSI, and TTY.

A WCM file can also be a media file, particularly a WinCam 2000 movie. WCM is the proprietary file format of WinCam 2000, which is a video editing program, and all media files created using this software use the WCM extension.

The best way to open a WCM file is to find out what type of file it is before downloading the app required to open it.

How to Open .WCM Files

The easiest way to open WCM files is to double-click on the file and let the device open it using the right software — that is, if you have it installed on your computer. But what if you don’t have the correct app installed? If you’re trying to open it on Windows, you’ll probably come across with any of these error messages:

  • How do you want to open this file?
    Look for an app in the Store.
  • Windows can’t open this file:
    File: file.wcm
    To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

When you encounter any of these messages, it means that you don’t have the corresponding app required to open the file.

Here is the list of programs that can open .WCM files:

WordPerfect (Macro) by Corel Corporation

WordPerfect is an office productivity suite, which is older than Microsoft Word. WordPerfect Office has WordPerfect word processor, Presentations slideshow creator, and Quattro Pro as the spreadsheet. It also has some handy utility programs that come with the suite, including a batch conversion tool from Microsoft Office files to WordPerfect files.

Microsoft Works

Microsoft Works is an office suite offered by Microsoft, which is considered as the smaller and less expensive version of Microsoft Office. It also has a Microsoft Works word processor, a Works spreadsheet, and a Works database. Microsoft’s Word is capable of opening and saving Works word processor files, and Microsoft Excel can also open and save Works spreadsheets. In 2009, Microsoft announced it was ending Works and was then replaced with Office 2010 Starter Edition.

WInCam 2000

WinCam 2000 is a video editing and screen recording program. It can record all your screen activities, including the movement of the mouse, the processes and applications running, inputs from the keyboard, and the execution of programs. It also has an array of versatile frame-by-frame editing tools to help make your video look clean and professional. The video can be exported in EXE, WCM, and AVI file formats.

Once you have downloaded the correct program, you need to edit the file association settings to make sure that the file will open with that app. To do this:

  1. On youre PC, navigate to Control Panel > Control Panel Home.
  2. Click on Default Programs > Set Associations.
  3. Select WCM from the file type list, then click on Change Program.
  4. Choose the program you want to use to open the file with.
  5. If you did not find the app that you need from the list, right-click on the WCM file, then click Browse.
  6. Navigate to the Program folder of the app, then click on the app’s executable file.

Can a .WCM Files Contain a Virus?

WCM files are legitimate files associated with various applications, including Microsoft Works, Corel’s WordPerfect, and WinCam 2000. If you have any of these apps installed on your computer and you find WCM files on your computer, then you don’t have to worry. But if you don’t have these apps and you see WCM files appear suddenly, then you probably have probably malware disguising as WCM files. This is a common behavior of malicious apps. So when you notice mysterious WCM files and you’re sure you did not download them from somewhere, you need to scan your computer with an antivirus and get rid of these malicious files as soon as possible.

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