How to Fix Windows Update Error 0x8007043c?

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The Windows Update error 0x8007043c is a common issue that many Windows users have encountered when updating their systems. It often occurs when the update process reaches 99% completion.

Here, we provide several troubleshooting solutions to help you solve the Windows Update error 0x8007043c.

What is Error Code 0x8007043c on Windows 10/11?

The Windows Update error 0x8007043c is a common error during Windows 10/11 Update installation. However, the 0x8007043c error, in particular, is an error code format common in Windows as well as other Windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This error code gives a numeric error number, and a simple technical description – “the service cannot be started in safe mode.”

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What Causes the Error Code 0x8007043c on Windows 10/11?

There are many possible causes of Windows Update error 0x8007043c. Here are some:

  • Incompatible Windows update: the Windows update you’re trying to install is incompatible with your OS version.
  • 3rd party antivirus program interference: some overprotective 3rd party antivirus software can block communications between the PC and Windows Update server because of a false positive.
  • Corrupted System Files: if your PC has some corrupted system files, there can be an error during Windows update.
  • Broken OS component: this occurs in very small circumstances because it is rare to experience broken operating system components.

Other possible factors that can cause a Windows Update error 0x8007043c include obsolete, junk and malicious cache files, or pending available updates.

How to Fix Windows 10/11 Error Code 0x8007043c?

We recommend that you carry out these troubleshooting solutions sequentially to solve the problem:

Solution #1: Run the Windows Updates Troubleshooter

The Windows Update troubleshooter can scan and repair damaged Windows Update components. It can also fix an incompatible update issues including the Windows update error 0x8007043c.

Use the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter to identify and initiate a repair strategy.

Once you’re done, restart your PC to effect the changes.

Solution #2: Perform a full system scan

Usually, malware infections can be responsible for the error 0x8007043C on your system. Use the Windows Defender security tool to conduct a full scan and remove potential malware entities or viruses from the computer to fix this problem.

If there is any malware or virus that is causing the Windows 10/11 error code 0x8007043c, this process will find and fix or remove it.

Once the scan is finished, reboot your system and try to reinstall the update again.

Solution #3: Eliminate 3rd-party interference (if applicable)

Use this process if you have a third-party antivirus in your system. What you have to do is disable the antivirus temporarily. If it is the element blocking the update disabling, it should let the Windows Update proceed without any error message.

Different third-party antivirus products have different ways to disable their realtime protection. Follow the manufacturers’ recommendation to disable it and proceed with your update installation. Once done, you can enable it again.

Solution #4: Correct Windows Services in the Windows Services Manager

Open the Windows Services Manager and check the status of the services to Windows Update. Ensure they are not disabled and check if they’re set to their default configurations as follows:

  • Windows Update Medic Services – Manual
  • Windows Update Service – Manual (Triggered)
  • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
  • Cryptographic Services – Automatic
  • Windows Installer – Manual

Ensuring these services are on their default setting will ensure that Windows Update gets the required services for proper function.

Solution #5: Run SFC and DISM scans

This solution will help identify if the corrupted file system is not causing the issue.

SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) are built-in utilities that can deal with the corrupted system files, including those causing the 0x8007043c error code.

SFC can fix logical errors while DISM is focused on repairing system dependencies that can break. Running both the utilities maximizes your chances of fixing the issues, especially those causing the 0x8007043c error.

To conduct DISM and SFC scans, follow these steps:

  1. Open a dialogue box, press Windows Key + R, then type CMD.
  2. On the command prompt, type sfc/scannow then press enter.

Don’t interrupt the utilities until the operation is complete. This is to ensure that you’re not leaving your system exposed to other logical errors.

  1. Once the procedure is complete, reboot your PC.
  2. Again, open command prompt (Wins + R), then type CMD. In the command prompt window, type:
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Stay patient for a few minutes as the system completes the process. The DISM will actively use the Windows Update component to download healthy copies that will replace the corrupted ones. This will need you to have a stable Internet connection.

  1. Wait for the process to complete and restart your PC.

These solutions and processes should solve the Windows Update error 0x8007043c issue at the next startup sequence.

Wrapping Up

If these solutions aren’t able to solve the Windows update error code 0x8007043c, it is likely that the system corruption in your PC cannot be solved conventionally.

You may need to reinstall your OS. In general, reinstalling OS is an effective way to solve all system-related problems. You can conduct a clean install or repair install. Before you perform a reinstall, ensure you backup all important files to avoid data loss. The new install will come with the updated Windows.

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