How to Fix the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Error on Windows 10/11

Laptop with Blue Error Screen

The KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error on Windows 10/11 is a blue screen of death error that can be caused by several factors, including a faulty Windows driver, an incorrectly configured device, or system failure. This error can result in endless restarts, which can be frustrating and worrisome.

When the kernel (what controls scheduling, memory management, interaction with hardware and thread prioritization) identifies an incorrectly configured device, encounters process instructions that are not executable, or receives memory access requests that exceed hardware specifications, it reports this error.

The KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error usually identifies the issue at hand, such as a newly installed driver, software update or service. One can thus easily solve this problem by uninstalling the offending program, except that it is not always that easy. Let us look in detail at some of the reasons your operating system might report the KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error.

What Causes the BSOD KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED Error on Windows 10/11?

As noted earlier, there are many reasons this error might occur. In order to solve it, it is important that you understand some of the reasons in detail because this will obviously help with the diagnosis and improve your chances at resolving the issue successfully.

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1. Faulty RAM Module

The RAM handles all the read and write operations in your computer. A faulty RAM module will have an impact on the health of your system and may be the reason behind the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x0000001e error.

2. Incomplete Installation or Uninstall Processes

Whenever you install a new program in your computer, an entry of it is made in the registry and that is how Windows is able to keep track of the programs that exist in your system. Whenever you delete a program or uninstall it, the registry is updated to reflect that it is no longer there. Sometimes, these two operations fail to complete or are interrupted. When this happens, the corrupted versions of software in your system may cause problems with the function of other programs, a situation that might lead to the blue screen 0x0000001e error. That is why it is always advisable to keep your registry entries error free and you can do this with the help of a PC repair tool.

3. Viruses and Malware

Viruses and other forms of malware interfere with the normal function of programs in your computer and they may even compromise the ability of Windows to execute operations successfully. They may corrupt files, delete data, and even remove system entries, any of which may result to the KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error. Keeping your system free of malware is one way of making certain that your computer won’t be displaying the blue screen of death anytime soon. You can do this with an anti-malware tool that will scan your system, and locate and destroy any programs that shouldn’t exist in your PC.

4. Outdated, Corrupt or Missing Drivers

Drivers are what enable communications between the hardware and software components of your computer, and if they are corrupted, missing or improperly configured, they may cause your computer to behave in ways that you may not expect. For instance, the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED USB error may be indicative of a faulty USB driver and one that needs to be updated. You can keep your computers drivers updated with the help of a driver updater that will also tweak your system, so that it is able to operate optimally.

5. Improper Shutdown

When a computer is on, there are many instructions being executed at a time. Some of these run in the background and are responsible for the smooth running of the PC. Improper shutdowns interfere with these instructions, a situation that may corrupt system file entries and result in the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue screen error.

Fixing the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen error on Windows 10/11

1. Troubleshooting

The first option in resolving the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED blue screen error is through troubleshooting. This can be done by going to the Windows blue screen troubleshooter and following the instructions that are laid out. The Windows blue screen troubleshooter will ask when and how your computer experienced the blue screen. Your answer could be any of the following:

  • While upgrading on Windows 10/11
  • After an Update was installed
  • While using my PC

Depending on the choice that you make, more guidance will be provided.

2. Updating Your Drivers

As noted earlier, corrupt, incompatible, missing or outdated drivers can result in a blue screen, and thus updating your drivers might be the only defense you need against the blue screen of death. To update your drivers, go to “Device Manager” and manually update the drivers.

3. Fix the Faulty RAM

To check whether or not it is the RAM that is to blame for the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error, use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to find if there are any errors with the RAM. This can be done by taking the following steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows + R keys at the same time.
  2. On the dialogue box that appears, type “mdsched.exe” and then hit Enter.
  3. On the subsequent dialogue box, you will see several options. Choose Restart now and check for problems and which by the way, is the recommended action.
  4. The memory check will come in the form of a blue screen.

If it reports that your computer is experiencing memory issues, then it is high time that you replace your old RAM with a new one.

4. Clear Viruses and Malware

Viruses cause all sorts of problems in a computer and may be the reason behind the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error. That is why you should always have an anti-malware program that is able to keep your computer safe from all infections. It helps if your anti-virus solution is also able to optimize your system, clean your registries and update your drivers at the same time. That is why a PC repair tool is often recommended as it is able to identify and solve most of the problems in a PC.

5. System Restore

If you are unable to pinpoint the cause of the problem, or are not sure whether the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error is caused by a faulty driver, a software update, or something else, you can always use System Restore to restore Windows to a previous restore point as this will remove all software and drivers changes that may be the cause of the blue screen error.

Hopefully, the above solutions will help solve your blue screen of death situation and should it persist, although very rarely so, you should probably take your computer to an expert who will guide you on the way forward.

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