A Quick Guide to Repair Hpqkbfiltr.sys File-Related Issues

The October 2018 update (1809) has caused frustration among Windows 10/11 users. Initially, reports surfaced regarding a bug that resulted in the unexpected deletion of files. Additionally, HP computer and laptop owners who updated to 1809 are experiencing blue screen error “WDF_Violation” and expressing their concerns.

When HP users try to install the update, the computer will crash and then display the message “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.” According to Windows 10/11 experts, this crash is triggered by the hpqkbfiltr.sys file that comes with the October 2018 update.

But what is this hpqkbfiltr.sys file all about? Why does it trigger BSOD problems? Allow us to give you helpful HpqKbFiltr.sys file information below.

What Is HpqKbFiltr.sys File?

The hpqkbfiltr.sys file or HP Compaq Keyboard Filter file works as a keyboard filter driver, allowing your computer to communicate with all connected devices and hardware. Once installed, it modifies your Windows registry and automatically sets itself up to launch at startup.

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This file is a vital component of the preinstalled HP Quick Launch Buttons software, which allows users to configure different buttons to launch various Windows programs.

With HP Quick Launch Buttons installed on your computer, system performance may be greatly affected. While the most obvious impact is felt during the startup phase where everything seems to be very slow, there are also times when it reduces the speed of active apps and programs.

Since the hpqkbfiltr.sys file is not an essential part of the Windows OS and it’s notorious for causing a few problems, some Windows 10/11 users decide to remove or disable it in the very beginning to prevent issues from occurring. However, just to be safe, consider the proper ways to resolve issues related to the hpqkbfiltr.sys file and best practices to avoid them.

How to Resolve Hpqkbfiltr.sys file-Related Issues

There are many ways to resolve the hpqkbfiltr.sys BSOD issue, but the best and most feasible way is to use the Command Prompt. Here’s how:

  1. Switch off your HP computer.
  2. Press the Power button immediately followed by repeated F11 key presses. Do this until the Choose an option screen shows.
  3. Go to Troubleshoot and select Advanced Options.
  4. Select Command Prompt.
  5. In the command line, input the following commands one by one. Make sure you press the Enter key after each command.


cd C:\Windows\System32\drivers

ren HpqKbFiltr.sys HpqKbFiltr.sys.bak

  1. Exit Command Prompt.
  2. Hit Continue. Your computer should restart by now.

Now that you know how to resolve hpqkbfiltr.sys file-related issues, it is time that you do everything to avoid them from occurring in the future.

5 Best Practices to Avoid Hpqkbfiltr.sys file-Related Issues

The key requirement to avoid having hpqkbfiltr.sys file-related issues is to simply have a clean and optimized computer. To achieve that, here are some best practices to consider:

1. Run a Regular Malware Scan.

Windows 10/11 devices come with built-in antivirus software called Windows Defender. This software is enabled upon first use of a new Windows computer. However, if another antivirus tool is installed, it will automatically deactivate itself.

To run a basic scan with Windows Defender, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Select All Apps.
  3. Go to Windows System and select Windows Defender to bring up the software’s interface.
  4. Decide if you want to run a Full Scan or Quick Scan. A full scan can take quite some time to finish, whereas a quick scan can only take a few minutes as it will only scan the locations that are prone to have bugs.

2. Clean Your Hard Drive.

Here are some easy steps on how to clean your hard drive using the Windows Clean Disk tool:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Go to Programs > Accessories > System Tools.
  3. Select Disk Cleanup.
  4. Under the Drives section, choose which drive you like to run a cleanup.
  5. Choose the files you want to erase.
  6. Hit OK.
  7. Click Delete Files.

If you are unsatisfied with only using the Windows Clean Disk tool that is pre-installed by Microsoft, you can also use a third-party cleaning tool to further scan, clean, and optimize your computer.

3. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs.

To uninstall any unnecessary program in Windows 10/11, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Navigate to Settings > System.
  3. Go to Apps & features.
  4. In the right section of your screen, you will see a list of all installed apps. Select an app that you want to uninstall. Click on it.
  5. You should see an Uninstall button below the name of the app. Click on it to remove the app.
  6. When prompted, click the Uninstall button again to confirm.

4. Check for Autostart Programs Using Run.

If you notice that your computer’s startup speed is slow, you might want to change your Startup settings. Make sure you keep unnecessary programs from launching at startup, including HP Quick Launch Buttons.

To remove HP Quick Launch Buttons from the list of programs that launch at startup, here’s what you should do:

  1. Open Run. Do this by using the Windows + R keys.
  2. In the text field, input C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup and hit Enter.
  3. Right-click on HP Quick Launch Buttons.
  4. Select Delete.

5. Enable Automatic Windows Updates.

By default, Windows 10/11 will automatically install any updates that contain fixes to common bugs and problems like the NETIO.SYS blue screen errors. But if it does not, just follow the steps below:

  1. In the search bar, input Windows Update Settings and hit Enter.
  2. Select Windows Update Settings from the search results.
  3. Navigate to Windows Update > Advanced Options.
  4. Make sure that Automatic (recommended) is selected in the drop-down menu.
  5. Exit the Windows Update Settings window.


Unlike other previously reported problems with Windows 10/11 computers like 0xc000000e error, it’s fairly easy to deal with hpqkbfiltr.sys file-related issues. You simply have to follow seven easy steps and you should be able to solve the problem.

Did the solution above help you fix your hpqkbfiltr.sys file-related problem? Let us know below!

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