Network Capacities Compared for Large Companies

Network Capacities Compared for Large Companies
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Data transfer from one location to the next concerns most enterprises, but the concept is significant in large companies. Most companies use SD-WAN and WAN thanks to their large connectivity capacities. The option an entity picks depends on its financial muscle and the data they handle daily.

Let’s check out their differences, the importance of choosing superior WAN and SD-WAN service providers, and what works every business day.

SD-WAN And WAN Explained

Software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is a virtual setup that allows business entities to access any form of data transfer options instantly and securely. A wide area network (WAN), on the other hand, is a computer network that connects communication devices or groups of computers over expansive distances. WAN works using data centers and requires traditional hardware setup to function optimally.

Differences Between SD-WAN And WAN

While both options have the same approach to data transfer, the slight difference in topography creates a drift in how they work.

Here’s a breakdown of the differences between WAN and SD-WAN.


Wide area networks utilize traditional hardware; therefore, it works using a data center. Because of this, it can be expensive to achieve high speeds when using WAN, especially since its configuration relies on the availability of skilled resources.

Data security is achieved through an MPLS connection. WAN management can be daunting since this option uses the conventional approach. Configuring the system to work for each company and office branch is time-consuming, especially when integrating additional security features. Unfortunately, WAN struggles to provide top speeds when connected to internet applications.


Since SD-WAN is a cloud-based service, configuring it into the system is a swift and automatic process that does not require human intervention. The setup doesn’t require an elaborate data center, making it cost-effective. This feature also allows it to transmit high speeds around the clock.

SD-WAN uses data encryption as a major security feature but integrates with additional security features like VPN, SWG, WAN optimization, and a firewall. High-speed network performance is guaranteed, thanks to the seamless connection with cloud-based apps.

Architectural Performance

Traditionally, WAN runs on conventional routers, which aren’t an ideal resource for the cloud. All traffic within the network is backhauled to the data center for the application of additional security features before dispatch. This is accomplished with the help of WAN technologies, which include leased lines, synchronous optical networks, frame relays, and an internet protocol suite. And since WAN is a collection of LANs, the setup requires heavy hardware use to become effective.

On the other hand, SD-WANs are cloud-based, allowing them to integrate an array of on-premise and cloud-based applications while offering peak levels of app performance. This cloud-centered approach allows the software to identify each application to deliver a top-notch experience and intelligent app-aware routing throughout the WAN network.

Consequently, SD-WA is a preferred option, more so because it reduces latency and it is more efficient and cost-effective. Therefore, consulting reliable SD-WAN solution providers will help you get started when choosing the right option.

Regardless of the option a business chooses, it’s vital to know that not all WAN and SD-WAN solutions are the same. Others are basic, which gives room for smaller businesses to use less elaborate services for the purpose of saving on the penny.

Larger enterprises should take advantage of the business-driven SD-WAN and WAN options, which are more likely to suit their capacity needs.

Round Up

Every company requires a network capacity that seamlessly accommodates its data in and out-flow. However, a few considerations, like company size, budget, and infrastructure, come into play when choosing between the available options.

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