7 Strategies to Increase Membership Renewals at Your Nonprofit

7 Strategies to Increase Membership Renewals at Your Nonprofit

Nonprofit organizations rely on donations and contributions to keep going, but finding and retaining donors can be tough.
One of the best ways to increase your monthly income as a nonprofit organization is to encourage memberships and donations to be renewed year after year, instead of trying to find new people every time.

These seven strategies will help you increase membership renewals so that you’ll have more consistent funding in the future.

Strategy 1: Meet In Person

Meeting members in person is a great way to create a personal connection and get feedback about your nonprofit.

You can also use this opportunity to answer any questions they may have about renewing their membership. A quick call or meeting face-to-face will be well worth the time spent, and it will likely increase the number of renewals that you receive.

Remember to ask your members how they feel about membership renewal when you meet with them. This can help you identify problems with communication that need to be addressed before new memberships roll around again.

It’s also important to keep track of who isn’t renewing and follow up with them if possible. Remember—you want these people as long-term supporters! Even if someone misses their renewal date by a month or two, offer them another option instead of losing them forever.

Strategy 2: Use a New Offer

As a nonprofit, you rely on the generosity of your members to keep your doors open and your programs running. So it’s important to do everything you can to encourage membership renewals. One way to do this is by offering a new or different benefit for renewing members.

This could be something as simple as a discount on merchandise or services, or access to exclusive content or events. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will appeal to your members and make them want to renew their membership.

Strategy 3: Email Your Existing Members First

You should always email your existing members first when trying to increase membership renewals. This is where investments in technology can be highly beneficial. For instance, a nonprofit CRM software that scales can streamline this process. This kind of software can automate member communication and manage renewal reminders efficiently, reducing the administrative burden and ensuring a smooth interaction with your members. Why? Because they already know, like, and trust you. They are also more likely to renew their membership if they feel appreciated. Here are a few tips for emailing your existing members:

  1. Personalize the email as much as possible.
  2. Use a friendly and casual tone.
  3. Explain why their membership is important.
  4. Offer a discount for renewing early.
  5. Include a call-to-action (CTA) that is clear and easy to follow.
  6. Send a follow-up email if they don’t renew right away.
  7. Thank them for their continued support!

Strategy 4: Give Them Something Extra

One way to increase membership renewals is by giving members something extra. This could be in the form of a discount on products or services, early access to events, or exclusive content.

Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that will add value for your members. If you’re not able to offer tangible things like discounts or exclusive access, then consider more experiential rewards such as being featured on your website and social media channels, a shout-out from the board chairperson during an event, or having their photo displayed prominently at an event.

Strategy 5: Send Reminders

One way to increase membership renewals is to send reminders. You can set up automatic email or text reminders that go out a few weeks before the membership expires. You can also include a personal note from a staff member or volunteer.

This is a great way to make sure members don’t forget to renew and shows that you care about their continued involvement. It’s also an easy, cost-effective way to reach them. Send reminder emails with links to the renewal form or text messages directing them to the online membership form on your website.

Reminders might be as simple as a thank you message with information about how they can continue supporting your organization by renewing their membership.

Strategy 6: Create a Story

Stories are a powerful way to connect with your members and inspire them to renew their membership. When creating your renewal campaign, be sure to include a compelling story that will resonate with your members and remind them why they joined in the first place. Whether it’s an impactful volunteer experience or a recent success, stories are key to getting your members excited about renewing their membership.

One of our favorite examples is this inspiring story from The Nature Conservancy: I love being part of the TNC family because I can go anywhere in the world, see something beautiful, and know I helped preserve it. – Kate Riehle.

In just a few sentences, this anecdote captures what many people feel when they donate to conservation organizations like The Nature Conservancy – a sense of personal accomplishment knowing that their donation has made a tangible difference for wildlife and ecosystems around the world. Acknowledge your members’ accomplishments – whether big or small, and use these moments as part of your storytelling toolkit!

Strategy 7: Get the Right Team Behind You

As with any business, your nonprofit and the non profit ticketing software needs the right team to succeed. This team should be passionate about your cause and committed to your organization’s success. Furthermore, they should have the skills and experience necessary to help you achieve your goals.

By having the right team in place, you can increase the likelihood of membership renewals and ensure that your nonprofit is on the path to success.


The goal of any membership program should be to retain members and maximize the contributions they provide to your organization, whether they’re in-kind donations or monetary contributions.

However, many factors influence whether members renew their memberships or not, including the length of time between renewals, the type of benefits your members receive, and how often you communicate with them (yes, it’s important to stay in touch!). These are seven strategies you can use to increase membership renewals at your nonprofit.

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