What is Sage2decrypter.exe?

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If you are experiencing the Sage2decrypter.exe malware, you are not alone. Other computer users have complained about it as well, noting that it triggers other annoying issues. We understand how creepy and tricky the Sage2decrypter.exe malware can be with tactics that corrupt your computer.

In this article, we’ve compiled information that will help you understand what Sage2decrypter.exe is, if it is a legitimate file or not, and how to remove it.

About Sage2decrypter.exe

Functionally, Sage2decrypter.exe is intended (supposedly) to be a decryption key. It was designed to help unlock files encrypted by the notorious Sage ransomware and help recover the victim’s file and PC system.

Is Sage2decrypter.exe a Virus?

Security researchers have identified Sage2decrypter.exe as a malicious executable file, related to the notorious Sage 2.0 ransomware. It is, therefore, right to classify Sage2decrypter.exe as a virus.

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Specifically, the Sage2decrypter.exe file executes the Sage 2.0 decrypter, which should supposedly unlock the files encrypted by Sage 2.0 ransomware and roll the PC system back to its original state.

However, it is unfortunate that this key does not do what the attackers promise. It further corrupts the PC system even more, disable your PC’s firewalls and security programs, and allow other online threats into your PC system.

Is Sage2decrypter.exe a legitimate file?

Simply put, Sage2decrypter.exe is not what it is supposed to be, which makes it difficult to consider it a legitimate file.

Sage2decrypter.exe is supposed to decrypt files, unlock them, and return the system to its original condition. But researchers have found that it only encrypts and corrupts the files even more. As a result, running Sage2decrypter.exe is more of a risk to your computer than a solution.

How to remove Sage2decrypter.exe?

There are two methods to remove Sage2decrypter.exe virus completely:

  • The automatic method
  • The manual process.

The automatic process involves using third-party software for ransomware removal. The third-party software can help you get rid of this nasty threat and recover your corrupted files.

The manual process is a bit technical and requires high technical skills and knowledge of system files and registry entries. It can also be a lengthy and complicated stepwise procedure.

Steps to remove Sage2decrypter.exe from your computer

  1. Reboot your PC into Safe Mode.
  2. Track and remove the malicious Sage2decrypter.exe file from your PC’s processes in the Task Manager.
    • Launch the Task Manager (key CTRL+SHIFT+ESC together simultaneously.)
    • Review the suspicious (malicious) processes and take note of their file location on the PC.
    • Terminate the suspicious processes.
    • Open the ‘Run’ command box (Windows Key + R) and enter the location (that you noted) to open it in file explorer.
    • In File Explorer, delete the file permanently.
  3. Locate and delete this program’s definition from startup files, registry files, and host files.
    • Launch File Explorer (or any folder from My Computer.)
    • Click the ‘View’ option in the above Menu (top left.)
    • Select ‘Change Folder and Search Options.’
    • Click the ‘View’ tab.
    • Locate the file ‘Show hidden files, folders and drivers,’ and check it in the checkbox.
    • Locate ‘Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)’ and uncheck it.
    • Click ‘Apply’ then click ‘Ok.’
  4. Clean the Sage2decrypter.exe definitions from the Windows registry.
    • Open the Windows registry editor (key Windows key + R together).
    • Type ‘Regedit’ into the text box, then click ‘Ok.’
    • Navigate to either of these registry files (based on your OS versions; 32 bit or 64 bit) then delete.
      • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
      • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
      • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
    • Launch Windows Explorer and locate %appdata% to find and delete suspicious executable files.
  5. Fix the Hosts file to block unwanted redirections on all of your active browsers.
    • Launch Windows Explorer.
    • Navigate to the Windows directory.
    • Navigate to System32/drivers/etc/host.
    • Open the host file and notice the suspicious file (If the ransomware has hijacked the system, you will see several IP definitions at the bottom.)
    • Select and delete those IP addresses (be careful not to delete the local host entry).
    • Save and close the file.
    • Exit the window.
  6. Remove the Sage2decrypter.exe from your (reputed) browser(s).
    • Google Chrome
      • Launch Chrome.
      • Click the main menu icon > select More Tools > select Extensions.
      • Scroll among the list of installed extensions to find any suspicious one.
      • Delete it (click the bin option beside it.)
      • Click the Remove button to confirm the deletion.
      • Reset Chrome settings to default.
    • Mozilla Firefox
      • Launch Firefox.
      • Key CTRL+SHIFT+A to open its extension Window.
      • Locate Sage2decrypter.exe extension and Disable it.
      • Go to the Help section and click Troubleshooting information, then click the Reset button.
      • Click ‘Confirm’ to reset Firefox.
    • Internet Explorer
      • Open the Internet Explorer browser.
      • Click the Gear icon.
      • Locate the ‘Internet options’ and click it.
      • Locate ‘Toolbars and Extensions’ and locate any suspicious item.
      • Delete/Disable it permanently.
      • Reset the browser and click ‘Ok’ to confirm.


We understand how intrusive and frustrating the Sage2decrypter.exe virus can be. It is not a decryption file, and you should not pay for it or run it on your computer. You also need to get rid of it immediately.

If you have any other issues with ransomware attacks, alert us through the comments section.

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