What is MicroLeaves Adware?


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MicroLeaves is a program that falls under the adware family. Although classified as malicious software, the application does not inflict harm on your PC nor endanger personal data. However, it’s something that you cannot have in your PC as it imposes strong negative effects. This is an irritating application that forcefully shows pop-up advertisements on sites you visit while browsing. The program pesters you with endless ad banners inserted into you browsing tabs. Despite this activity not considered extremely unsafe, it can inflict significant issues that may result in poor productivity.

About the MicroLeaves Adware

Any software considered as adware is associated with ad-generating activities. The characteristics of adware involve extremely intrusive as well as internet surfing disturbances.

You may be wondering what does MicroLeaves adware do. Commonly, a program like MicroLeaves is designed to infiltrate the default browser you are using and lay it as a ground to display numerous pop-up ads, banners, as well as promotional messages. Of course, content creators rely on ads to make money. Therefore, you should expect to see ads each time you are browsing the internet.

However, what makes the difference between adware and other normal adverts is the level of aggressiveness. When you attempt to close ads generated by an adware entity, you get redirected to another or even to the website with dodgy content. Another feature used by adware which makes it unwelcome is its ability to obtain data from the web browser without your approval. The data may include your browser search history and social media posts and likes. This data will be used by various third-parties to create ads that are relevant to your interest.

How to remove MicroLeaves adware?

Most probably, the reason why you landed on this article is that you are sick and tired of the annoying MicroLeaves adware. The good news is that we have a solution for you.

There are various methods of removing this nasty intrusive adware. However, you need to understand that the process of removing it may need more than just manual methods to be removed completely. Reality is that it is impossible to get rid of most of the adware using standard Windows methods.

To completely get rid of the MicroLeaves adware, you need to go through a few manual procedures before deploying a trustworthy removal tool. There are several high-performing free software tools that you can consider using such as MalwareBytes. With the use of MalwareBytes software, you can get rid of MicroLeaves adware and your browser returned to its default settings.

Get Rid of MicroLeaves adware

As indicated above, it is possible to get rid of MicroLeaves adware. You can do so either manually or automatically by using trusted software.

Manually Remove MicroLeaves Adware

Using the manual methods means you will not rely on any other software to get rid of MicroLeaves adware. For this strategy to work, you must follow the guidelines precisely as you also don’t want to be repeating the same process over and over again.

  1. Use Control Panel to Delete Related Applications

For starters, access the Windows Control Panel by pressing the Windows button before searching for Control Panel in the search field. Once you have reached the Control Panel window, you can now select Uninstall a program. This will display a list of programs in your system. Now, you need to be vigilant and look for programs that you don’t remember installing. Pay attention to applications installed just before experiencing the MicroLeaves issue. To find the latest installed programs fast and easy, sort your list by date of the instalment.

  1. Delete Unknown Scheduled Tasks Using Command Run

One of the behaviors which MicroLeaves adware portrays include creating tasks and adding them to the Windows Task Schedule Library. This means every time you turn on your device, a website will pop-up. Therefore, you must check the Scheduler for any tasks that might have been added by MicroLeaves adware.

You can do so by pressing the Windows+ R keys simultaneously. This will launch a dialog box titled Run. Search for “taskschd.msc” (excluding quotes) and strike Enter or click OK. On the Task Scheduler window, locate and click on Task Scheduler Library located on the left side. Check among the list of installed tasks to see if there are any suspicious ones and remove them.

Remove MicroLeaves from Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has a great reset feature which can be quite handy if your browser gets hijacked by MicroLeaves adware. Open Internet Explorer browser, and then look for the ‘gear’ icon. On the emerging drop-down menu, select Internet Options then choose Advanced tab on the following window. Click on the Reset button, and then follow the Internet Explorer reset settings prompt.

Note that, although the process may not be the same on other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, there are similarities. Hence, it shouldn’t be difficult figuring it out while using the above instructions as your guideline.

Remove MicroLeaves Adware Using Freeware

To err is human. So, it is safe to assume that the manual removal of MicroLeaves adware may not be as effective as you would expect. It comes with a lot of obstacles that may lead to one leaving trails behind. A piece of MicroLeaves adware left behind may lead to future loopholes which may invite the adware to your system.

With that said, the best solution is to scan your system after manually removing the adware with a freeware removal tool. Using the adware removal tool will help you to completely clean your system. To top that, not only do these trusted programs get rid of MicroLeaves, but they also remove PUPs, malware, as well as other forms of malicious programs. You will need MalwareBytes to stay protected and updated against the likes of MicroLeaves all the time.

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