What is EasyXplore Desktop Toolbar?

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EasyXplore is a free desktop program that installs on Windows. The application then injects an unwanted toolbar that starts generating sponsored search results and displaying annoying ads. If you notice any of these signs, it means that your PC has been compromised and you need to get rid of the virus. If you wish to remove the EasyXplore desktop toolbar by yourself, we’ll give you a tutorial in this article, featuring EasyXplore desktop toolbar removal instructions that are easy to follow through.

What Does the EasyXplore Desktop Toolbar Do?

The EasyXplore desktop toolbar behaves like a legit search toolbar. It gets installed after users click on ads that contain hyperlinks to malicious sites or links that download unwanted programs. Even though this desktop toolbar is technically not malicious, it can execute unpleasant activities that:

  • Slows down the system’s performance
  • Triggers the installation of malware
  • Installs a direct browser on the Windows desktop

This desktop toolbar runs different processes in the background. These processes can easily trigger the promotion of sponsored Yahoo search and show many adverts during browsing. Such ads are intrusive and could be potentially dangerous because they show the users misleading content.

Once installed, the toolbar records and shares the victim’s browsing history with third parties. This is a violation of the user’s privacy.

How Does the EasyXplore Desktop Toolbar Vary from Other Browsers?

EasyXplore desktop toolbar is often advertised as a desktop-based toolbar that is easily accessible, and has features and functions like “go back” and “refresh.” Additionally, it’s also supposed to show Google-based results instead of Yahoo-based results.

Here are some of the features that are missing on the EasyXplore desktop toolbar:

  • No extensions allowed
  • No access to history, bookmarked pages, or the list of downloaded items.
  • No private browsing option
  • Shortcuts do not work.
  • Settings such as history data, clear cache, and themes do not exist.

Generally speaking, there is a lot of negative feedback about this toolbar.

How to Remove the EasyXplore Desktop Toolbar?

If you accidentally installed this desktop toolbar, you need to consider EasyXplore removal due to the related privacy issues. Usually, the installation process gets interrupted by multiple processes that are running in the background.

As it turns out, removing this program is quite a process even though it has a direct uninstaller. But removing the program is the only remedy to disable unwanted toolbar from your desktop and get rid of unwanted redirects to dubious websites.

If you no longer want to use the application, you should uninstall it to remove the malicious intruder from your device completely.

Removing EasyExplore from Windows

  1. Go to “Start.
  2. Then “Control Panel.
  3. Click “Programs and Features.
  4. For Windows XP users, click on “Add/Remove Programs.”
  5. If you’re using Windows 10/11 or 8, open the “Quick Access Menu” by clicking on the bottom left corner. Choose “Control Panel” and then “Uninstall a Program.”
  6. Find the EasyXplore program.
  7. Click “Uninstall” and save the changes.

Removing Easy EasyXplore From your Browsers

The following procedure may change slightly depending on whether you’re using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Open the main menu by clicking on the menu icon at the top right corner.
  3. For Chrome users, go to “Tools” or “Manage Add-ons.”
  4. Choose “Extensions” then select EasyXplore or any other questionable plugins.
  5. Click “Disable” or “Remove” to delete the entries.

To reset the browser settings back to default:

  1. Click “Internet options” in the main menu.
  2. Go to “Advanced Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the end of the page.
  4. Click “Reset” to complete EasyXplore removal. This deletes all your saved personal settings.

If EasyXplore altered your homepage, change it back by doing the following:

  1. Open the main menu.
  2. Go to “Internet Options.
  3. Navigate to the General tab.
  4. Select “Manage Search Engines” and remove all malicious URL.
  5. Enter your preferred domain name.
  6. Click Apply to save the changes.

Alternatively, if you’re having a hard time uninstalling the desktop toolbar due to an error message being displayed that says that the app is in use, open “Task Manager” and then disable the main executable. The main executable is “EasyXplore.exe.”

After that, remove the main installer and reset your web browser to disable related extensions and cookies. Lastly, use automated security software tools to fix all the system alterations. This way, you’ll be sure of the successful elimination of the entire software bundle.


EasyXplore is a questionable toolbar that keeps altering your web browser’s settings without your permission and redirecting you to malicious sites. This potentially dangerous app can be very intrusive. If you don’t want any intrusive programs to compromise your browser, you should avoid downloading software from third-party websites. If you must, ensure that you select the Advanced or Custom installation option so that all setup windows are shown to you.

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