How to Remove Vawe Ransomware

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Ransomware-type malware infects computers, causes data encryption, and then demands payment. Once the data has been locked, the victims receive a ransom note providing them with instructions on how they should make a payment in cryptocurrency. They are promised a decryption key to enable them to re-access their data. The payment has to be made in digital currencies such as cryptocurrencies since these are impossible to trace.

What is Vawe Ransomware?

This is a cryptovirus that belongs to the DJVU family of ransomware infections. The malicious entity drops a ransom demand in exchange for the decryption key. Other variants from the DJVU ransomware family are Tabe Virus, Nypd Virus, and Usam Virus. The ransom note that the viruses drop is saved as “_readme.txt.”

When the Vawe ransomware infects the computer, it locks all your data, including images, videos, and documents. The files that have been encrypted can be tracked using a specific “.vawe” extension so the victims cannot use them at all.

What Does Vawe Ransomware Do?

During the infection process, all the files that become affected are appended with a “.vawe” extension. For example, a file named “sample.jpg” is renamed “sample.jpg.vawe” afterward. When this process is done, the user receives the ransom note.

In the message, the victim is informed that his/her files have been encrypted using a strong key. If he/she wishes to recover the data, he/she has to purchase a decryption software from the hackers behind the malice. The recovery tool’s price is approximately 980 USD, which can be divided into two if the victim initiates contact with the cybercriminals in less than three days (72hrs).

In addition to encrypting data, the Vawe ransomware, as well as other related variants, add several entries to the Windows host file. This hinders the victim from gaining access to malware security websites to get help. Removing these entries allows you to access the websites and get help.

The Vawe File Extension

The files that get infected with Vawe are encrypted by an encryption algorithm known as the Advanced Encryption Standard. The AES creates a unique decryption key. The key is asymmetric, and the main idea behind the key is to change the structure data in the file so that the victim no longer has access to it.

How to Get Rid of Vawe Ransomware

In most cases, decryption of the locked data is almost impossible without the help of the hackers. However, it’s still doable if the ransomware is still in the development stages and has some flaws.

Removing the malware can be done following simple Vawe ransomware removal instructions. If you’re wondering how to get rid of Vawe ransomware easily, install a robust anti-malware tool for maximum effectiveness. If your device is already infected, scanning the system with an anti-malware tool eliminates the Vawe ransomware. The tool may also be used to conduct regular system scans to remove all potential/ undetected threats.

Removing the ransomware manually takes hours to complete and doesn’t obliterate the malware. It could also leave your computer damaged if you aren’t very careful.

Restoring Your Data

The restored data will also be re-encrypted if you don’t remove the Vawe ransomware completely from your system. So, you have to be very careful about releasing files from backups into an infected system. Secondary encryption will result in the loss of data. You first need to make sure that the computer is safe again, and then repair the damage, after which you can recover the data.

Rely on PC repair tools to restore your files after you’re sure the threat has been removed.

How to Protect Yourself

Victims are strongly advised against giving in to the hackers’ demands. In most cases, when they pay, the hackers go silent and don’t send the decryption key, as promised. The only solution that the victim has is recovering their data from a backup. This shows how important it is to regularly back up your data in different locations, such as unplugged storage devices or remote servers, in case of an infection. If possible, store the data in multiple separate locations. Apart from backing up your data, you should also:

  • Download software from official and verified websites.
  • Avoid opening emails from unknown sources, especially if they have links and attachments.
  • Lastly, make sure that all your security tools and other programs are up-to-date.


The Vawe ransomware focuses on encoding data stored in computers and making ransom demands. The ransomware targets files that are used on an everyday basis and encrypts them with the “.vawe” extension. This malicious entity could also change the settings of your operating system. The Vawe ransomware is not something you would like to get installed on your computer. Not only does it get frustrating when you can’t access your data, but there is also the threat of sensitive information being collected and shared with third parties. It pays to have proper backup strategies in place.

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