How to Remove Eight Ransomware?

Ransomware Your Files are Encrypted

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Over the past few years, ransomware threats have gained much popularity due to their easy-to-build nature. Developers simply need a ransomware building kit to get started. Furthermore, the proliferation of ransomware has become more effective as many internet users gravitate towards freeware distributed by untrustworthy websites.

Eight Ransomware is a data-encrypting virus that encrypts the victim’s personal files and then demands a ransom fee in return for decryption. Often, the payment must be paid in Bitcoin so that it remains untraceable. The demand instructions are delivered in the victim’s computer as a pop-up window in the info.hta format or in info.txt file.

What is Eight Ransomware?

Eight Ransomware is a type of infection that targets personal data, such as images, videos, and documents, on a victim’s computer. It then encrypts the files, preventing the user from accessing them. Once the encryption is complete, a .eight extension is added to the encrypted files. The authors of the virus will then attempt to extort money from the victims by demanding a ransom fee in exchange for decrypting the files.

How Did You Get Eight Ransomware?

Eight Ransomware is distributed using various tricks such as email phishing. The author of the ransomware creates a bogus email message intending to deceive the targeted victim into opening the attached file. In most cases, the attached file looks like an official document that needs attention as soon as possible. Once clicked or opened, the program will self-execute, finding its way to the computer. With that said, not all ransomware developers use spam emails as their primary infection vector. Some of them prefer deceitful software updates, trackers, and malvertising promotions to channel Eight ransomware threats.

Other means used by hackers to get Eight ransomware into the computer include tricking users into downloading the virus. The ransomware can also be acquired through malicious file-sharing websites. Most of the time, the ransomware is concealed in malicious adverts and notifications. Therefore, you mustn’t interact with ads that look suspicious and avoid unverified downloads.

What Does Eight Ransomware Do?

Eight ransomware can lock many types of files which include doc, xls, ppt, pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, rar, mp3, mp4, as well as mov, to mention a few. Once the data has been compromised, Eight ransomware appends a .eight extension to the file name. Also added to the file name is the victim’s generated ID. A ransom fee demand note will then be dropped onto the victim’s computer. The note presented in the pop-up window reads:

Files are locked* but not corrupted

Your computer is infected with a virus.

Files are locked* but not corrupted.

Send an email, specify in the subject unique identifier 1- and you will definitely be helped to recover.

*you can send us a couple of files and we will return the restored ones to prove that only we can do it


    1. the infection was due to vulnerabilities in your software
    2. if you want to make sure that it is impossible to recover files using third-party software, do this not on all files, otherwise you may lose all data.
    3. only communication through our email can guarantee file recovery for you. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties who promise to help you – most often they are scammers.
    4. if we do not respond to you within 24 hours, send a message to the email
    5. if you need an alternative communication channel – write a request by e-mail
    6. our goal is to return your data, but if you do not contact us, we will not succeed

There is also a text file note with more instructions which reads:

!!!All of your files are encrypted!!!

To decrypt them send e-mail to this address:

If we don’t answer in 24h., send e-mail to this address:

As expected, this ransomware’s function is to lock the files before demanding a ransom fee to unlock files. The orchestrators promise to return the victim’s locked data safely once the payment has been made. However, even though paying the perpetrators’ ransom fee may be the only way to get the decrypting tool for your files, we advise not to pay anything. There isn’t a guarantee that the hackers will hold the end of their bargain; after all, there is no honor among thieves and criminals. Whether you pay or not, your information is as good as lost. You don’t want to turn from being a hacking victim to a scam victim. Lost files can be restored in other ways but lost money can never be retrieved or replaced.

Eight Ransomware Removal Instructions

The manual process for removing this threat can be lengthy and complicated, especially for an average computer user. Therefore, we advise using a trusted anti-malware tool to get rid of the virus once and for all. As mentioned above, the recovery of files without a decrypting tool from the perpetrators is impossible. But it doesn’t hurt trying to recover them.

Before you start the removal process, create a backup of the locked files. Once you have backed the encrypted files, follow these steps precisely:

Step 1: Download and install Auslogics Anti-Malware software. Perform a full system scan. The process may take longer depending on the affected areas. The tool will detect and remove all files and programs associated with Eight ransomware. Once done, reboot your computer.

Step 2: Use a strong antivirus security tool to perform a second full system scan. This measure will uproot the remaining pieces (if there are any) related to Eight ransomware. Additionally, you should keep the antivirus security tool running in your background for real-time protection against future virus attacks.

Step 3: Try to restore your files with a free software recovery tool. We emphasize on using a free tool since this is not a guaranteed attempt that you will recover your data. A recovery tool will attempt to recover shadow copies of the encrypted files. You can consider Auslogics File Recovery tool or other alternatives to try and recover copies of your files.

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