When to Replace Your Android Phone: Here Are 8 Signs to Look Out For

When you get yourself a new Android smartphone, you’d do everything to protect it. You purchase a case to keep it from shattering when it falls. You also invest in screen protectors so as not to scratch the screen. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, the time will come when your Android smartphone will lose its shine and become less functional. But when do you need to get a new phone?

Here are some signs it’s time to replace your Android smartphone with something better:

1. The Battery Quickly Runs Out.

If you enjoy using your smartphone, you probably hate it when you see your battery status constantly flashing in red. While there are many ways to increase your device’s battery life, they often do not leave an impact if your phone does not retain a charge like it used to when it was new.

The reason your battery quickly runs out has something to do with chemistry. Over time, the chemical composition of your battery begins to degrade, which means it will hold less and charge less. After a few recharge cycles, the battery may no longer have its ability to hold a charge.

Rather than keeping their smartphones connected to the charger all the time, people prefer upgrading to a new smartphone with a better battery life.

2. It Starts to Respond Slow.

Use your Android phone long enough and it will begin to respond slowly. Opening apps will soon take minutes, and touchscreen response may eventually go unnoticed.

Though there are many reasons your Android phone is slowing down, in most cases, its age plays a huge part. Upgrading your current Android version may result in more demands on your device’s resources, such as CPU and RAM usage.

Aside from your smartphone’s age, another reason your Android smartphone is slowing down is the number of background apps that are running. The more apps run in the background, the slower your device becomes.

3. It Does Not Receive Updates.

Every year, a new Android OS version is released. While it seems like a good thing for Android users as this may mean new features and more functionalities, it is worth noting that updates are not endless.

If you’ve bought a high-end smartphone, you might only receive an update or two over the course of your device’s lifetime. This is because not all manufacturers will bother to release updates, meaning your high-end smartphone may eventually become outdated.

Now, what about security? Once your smartphone becomes outdated, your manufacturer will no longer bother to release security updates. So, if you are worried about not getting OS and security updates, replacing your Android smartphone might be your best option.

4. New Apps Are No Longer Supported.

Virtual reality may still be in its early days, but there are already many VR apps today that are designed for Android devices. But then again, these apps are too powerful, and they consume more resources, which older phones can’t handle.

The same applies to Android gaming apps. Advances in mobile gameplay mean more demands on internal graphics and RAM. If your Android smartphone is outdated, it won’t be able to support new apps as effectively as a new phone.

5. Apps Crash More Frequently.

Android smartphones are made by humans, which means they are not perfect. And oftentimes, they will encounter inevitable app crashes.

Well, smartphones aren’t always to blame. There are times when an app itself is poorly designed or buggy. However, in most cases, phone compatibility is the problem.

If you notice that apps crash on your smartphone all the time, it could be an indication of a bigger problem. Apps may crash due to the demands that are placed on the phone. If the resources that are available are not sufficient, there is a chance that the app will crash.

6. Your Camera Takes Poor Quality Photos.

In this selfie era, having a quality camera on your smartphone is essential. Unless you are a professional, you’d probably take photos with your phone. As newer smartphones take better photos, your shots will stand out, but in a negative way.

Sad to say, there is only little you can do to improve the quality of your photos, especially if your camera is poor. Sure, photo-editing apps can help, but they won’t improve the resolution.

If phone photography is your thing, then your only option is to replace your Android smartphone.

7. You Get Constant Storage Alerts.

Is your Android smartphone continually giving you alerts that you no longer have space for new photos and apps? If that is the case, you can delete unnecessary files and apps you don’t need. Clear your cache and memory by using a third-party Android cleaning app to ensure you don’t miss anything.

But if you want to save yourself from the burden and hassle, just consider getting an Android replacement. Find a newer Android phone model that can provide you with enough storage for more Android goodies.

8. Your Smartphone Is Already Damaged.

Although it would be very nice if smartphones were indestructible, the sad truth is nothing lasts forever. Sooner or later, your smartphone will become worn out. It could be because you are pressing your fingers too hard on the physical buttons or you used your phone when it was raining hard.

Damage, be it immediate or not, will limit your phone’s effectiveness. It’s up to you whether you continue using it or simply upgrade.

Smartphones Won’t Last Forever

Whether it’s due to natural wear or tear or accidental damage, smartphones won’t really last long. Some of their components, like the battery, only have limited life spans. Other parts will soon become obsolete, which will cause them to lose their functionality and effectiveness.

Obviously, not all of us can afford to upgrade our smartphones right away. So, if you are not yet ready for it, take preventive measures to make your device run faster. Make it a habit to delete unnecessary files and always scan your device for viruses using reliable Android care apps.

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