Indoor phone and mobile internet coverage

Using Mobile Phone on the Airplane

Is your phone or mobile device not working properly indoors? Here are some tips to help you improve the quality of your connection.

Although our mobile network has a very wide coverage area, signal reception indoors can vary greatly. Therefore, Uctel team provides you with tesco mobile signal booster service. What else is important?

Signal quality also affects the speed of your internet connection. That’s why you should pay attention, in particular, to the location of your 4G router. All details in the article.

Energy-efficient construction reduces coverage

Indoor reception problems are typically caused by obstacles in the terrain and, increasingly, by attenuation from buildings. New or renovated energy-efficient buildings can attenuate radio signals strongly so even good overall cohesion does not guarantee sufficient indoor coverage. Attenuating structures include metallic or metallic building materials and window screens, which can be made up of several layers of glass. Together with the building industry, we are looking for solutions to alleviate the issues of internal cohesion, for example by using different building materials and solutions, without compromising energy efficiency.

A mobile router should be placed in the home where the mobile signal is as strong as possible, typically next to a window. Loudness can vary greatly between rooms, especially if their windows face different directions. The best place for a router is to try it out.

We are constantly expanding our network coverage to improve indoor sound quality and provide faster internet connections. So it’s worth checking the map of networks under construction to see if there are any coverage improvements coming to your area in the coming months.

Additional equipment to improve indoor cohesion

You can improve poor indoor connectivity by using a range of accessories to boost connectivity.

  • An additional antenna is an easy way to improve the quality of the connection. For example, an additional antenna can be placed indoors on a table or window sill. Especially in new or renovated energy-efficient houses, it is a good idea to place the antenna outside the window.
  • A directional outdoor antenna can often help in very difficult situations. The antenna is mounted on the wall or roof of the house and pointed at the strongest base station.
  • A 2G/3G desk phone can be helpful if you have a voice connection problem indoors. The internal antenna of a desk phone works better than a mobile phone antenna, and many models can also be fitted with an external antenna to improve coverage.
  • A separate 4G router with a more powerful antenna and the option of using it for Wi-Fi calls on a phone line is also an option.

Antenna installation help

Antenna installation services are provided by antenna installation companies. You can find your nearest antenna installer on the website of the Satellite and Antenna Association, for example.

For 4G connections, the highest speeds are achieved by using a so-called dual-polarisation antenna, which consists of two antennas inside a single antenna housing. This type of antenna is identified by two cables. Most 4G routers on the market have two antenna connectors. These routers are identified by their ability to transmit at 300 Mbps.

When choosing an additional antenna, you should make sure that the antenna is capable of amplifying the following 4G frequency bands: 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 2600 MHz. However, the absence of the 700 MHz bands will not have a major impact on connectivity.

Voice services operate on 2G and 3G networks. These networks operate in the 900 and 2100 MHz bands. They do not use a dual polarization antenna.

Instructions for purchasing and installing an external antenna


  • Outdoor antennas are sold by operators and shops specializing in mobile phone accessories and antennas. Outdoor antennas cost from €40 to well over €100. If you are interested in antennas, you should also ask the seller for help.
  • Be sure to find out the correct frequency bands before buying an antenna. You can find this out from your operator’s customer service or from the coverage map on their website. Most outdoor antennas today operate in a wide range of bands, but there are also antennas on the market that are designed for specific bands. Please note that your terminal must also support the frequency band and network technology in question.
  • Another important feature of an antenna is the gain it provides. This number tells you how much the antenna amplifies the mobile network signal. The gain can vary from one frequency band to another. Outdoor directional antennas typically have a gain of 7 to 15 dB. A higher figure is better.
  • Also, be sure to check that you can connect the antenna to your own device. If the connector on your device does not fit the antenna, you can use various adapters. However, it is advisable to buy a directly compatible antenna, as an adapter will always weaken the signal.
  • The antenna cable also attenuates the signal, so it is best to use the shortest, lowest-loss cable possible. As a rule of thumb, the total length of the cables should not exceed 15-20 meters.
  • If you plan to use your phone or broadband in winter, you should get a directional antenna with a casing. They work better in winter, as snow and ice do not stick to them in the same way as rake-shaped antennas.


Antenna installation does not require any special skills or tools, and you can do it yourself. In this case, be sure to read the more detailed installation instructions, especially if you are installing the antenna on the roof. It is always best to install the antenna outside if possible, as structures such as walls and windows will always attenuate the signal. You can install an outdoor antenna, for example on a wall or in the same antenna tube as a TV aerial. Signal strength may also vary between different installation sites, so it is possible that better data transmission speeds can be achieved by installing the antenna on the roof instead of on the wall. Please note that a rake antenna is mounted with the spikes vertically, unlike a TV antenna.

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