What is Vidkeeper.exe?

Vidkeeper.exe is part of VidKeeper and developed by SOLV Digital LP according to the Vidkeeper.exe file information. In certain cases, malicious trackers and scripts can disguise themselves as legitimate files, like Vidkeeper.exe, leading to glitches, overload and system malfunctions.

In such cases, Vidkeeper.exe can create unnecessary records and folders in the Windows registry. Check your PC to eliminate possible application conflicts and system failures.

Consider running a Free Scan for Vidkeeper.exe related Issues to identify and fix potential problems efficiently.

Special offer
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Special Offer: Select your preferred language and click “Download Now” to get Outbyte PC Repair, a utility specifically designed for system optimization and addressing Vidkeeper.exe related issues. Outbyte PC Repair will automatically identify and rectify potential system discrepancies and inefficiencies. The software is regularly updated to provide users with the latest, manufacturer-approved versions. It's compatible with the unknown your machine is currently running.

Vidkeeper.exe's description is "VidKeeper".

Vidkeeper.exe is digitally signed by SOLV Digital LP.

Vidkeeper.exe is an .exe file.

Vidkeeper.exe is usually located in the following folder:


Vidkeeper.exe basic information

Internal Name

Vidkeeper.exe running processes


Free check to identify Vidkeeper.exe related errors.

List of the actions Vidkeeper.exe executes on a user's PC
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Visited Links new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\blob_storage new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\blob_storage\88d4f8d2-c86d-4408-bdd6-4bb959f4af4b new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\temp-index new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\the-real-index file renamed
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache\index new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache\data_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache\data_1 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache\data_2 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\GPUCache\data_3 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\f6f81a1d1cbe37c8_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\4a28a8a517df5bce_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\44e88cb1d943e69a_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\0a7b42191d4b7651_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\75a7920b7f3542ed_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\fca51145817c581e_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\02fb77db41ef922a_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\8ea25c407deb1294_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\ead7aefd49add153_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\7dbba1d900477222_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\1b88f9879b26a0d8_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\0b3d0171d158bb7d_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\5d6a22da8a4897a1_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\5a109439f281b3dc_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\62d2107cf8effd6c_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\8a7f3ba146de3eb7_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\d842c038b985defa_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\3b96dca5963dc292_0 new file created
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%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\93278ac24f5e5c09_0 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\vidkeeper_db new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\LOG new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\LOCK new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\MANIFEST-000001 new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\000001.dbtmp new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\CURRENT file renamed
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\000003.log new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\the-real-index~RF6c97c.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\the-real-index~RF6c97c.TMP file renamed
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%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\Oao湘瑢箏樂團 - 《望春風》古箏演繹經典歌曲 聽得令人如癡如醉!.mp3 file moved
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\vidkeeper_db\19aff1eaa41caa51c2a0a5fc4342e8138d0375f77306e9d6e72313bc24da8094.item new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\thumbs\19aff1eaa41caa51c2a0a5fc4342e8138d0375f77306e9d6e72313bc24da8094 new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\夏冰古筝教学示范:望春风 - 台语歌曲.mp3 file moved
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\settings.json new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\blob_storage\2499fa95-383a-4241-b49c-468588271141 new catalogue created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\LOG.old file renamed
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\the-real-index~RF23afdd.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\Code Cache\js\index-dir\the-real-index~RF23afdd.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\vidkeeper_db\328feb9e05281ef4b82b84ec94280227547e1a633c9cd096f3fbb628953dfc84.item new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\thumbs\328feb9e05281ef4b82b84ec94280227547e1a633c9cd096f3fbb628953dfc84 new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\Oao湘瑢箏樂團 - 《在水一方》純箏版-經典老歌緩緩彈奏不卑不亢-複音箏音色甜美底蘊厚實.mp3 file moved
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\vidkeeper_db\b19a4d7287d5cf6af27926b13a67c978537d9cbea1b7a1d83c78e1481358898e.item new file created
%APPDATA%\VidKeeper\thumbs\b19a4d7287d5cf6af27926b13a67c978537d9cbea1b7a1d83c78e1481358898e new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\Oao湘瑢箏樂團 - Guzheng Canon 卡農 古箏獨奏版.mp3 file moved

Free check to identify Vidkeeper.exe related errors.

Scan your PC See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

Special Offer: Click "Scan Your PC" to download Outbyte PC Repair and perform a free scan to identify and rectify Vidkeeper.exe related issues.

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Outbyte PC Repair
All-in-one Windows optimization tool

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Download PC Repair See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

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Vidkeeper.exe's virus check


of antivirus scans don't detect any virus in it


of antivirus scans detect it as a potentially unwanted program


of antivirus scans detect a virus in it

Vidkeeper.exe user rating


of users rate Vidkeeper.exe as a useful program


of users find Vidkeeper.exe to be a potentially unwanted program


of users find Vidkeeper.exe to be malicious or a scam