What is Sky Go.exe by Sky Deutschland AG?

Sky Go.exe is part of SkyGo and developed by Sky Deutschland AG according to the Sky Go.exe file information. In certain cases, malicious trackers and scripts can disguise themselves as legitimate files, like Sky Go.exe, leading to glitches, overload and system malfunctions.

In such cases, Sky Go.exe can create unnecessary records and folders in the Windows registry. Check your PC to eliminate possible application conflicts and system failures.

Consider running a Free Scan for Sky Go.exe related Issues to identify and fix potential problems efficiently.

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Special Offer: Select your preferred language and click “Download Now” to get Outbyte PC Repair, a utility specifically designed for system optimization and addressing Sky Go.exe related issues. Outbyte PC Repair will automatically identify and rectify potential system discrepancies and inefficiencies. The software is regularly updated to provide users with the latest, manufacturer-approved versions. It's compatible with the unknown your machine is currently running.

Sky Go.exe's description is "SkyGo".

Sky Go.exe is digitally signed by Sky Deutschland AG.

Sky Go.exe is an .exe file.

Sky Go.exe is usually located in the following folder:

%APPDATA%\Sky\Sky Go\Sky Go.exe

Sky Go.exe basic information

Internal Name
Sky Go

Sky Go.exe running processes


Free check to identify Sky Go.exe related errors.

List of the actions Sky Go.exe executes on a user's PC
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.2494122097 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.3371465701 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.3522524465 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.2801858954 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.2668661983 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.1194983207 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.570788533 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.600214013 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.4273107263 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.4122293401 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.1239946432 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.3307802933 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.592815139 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.3042475903 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.1394225636 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.1677322536 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.816918367 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.776522259 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.2657375001 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.343164970 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.754885624 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-videoPlayer.json.963087810 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.559207859 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.449667299 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3945085741 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.401343460 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2348654689 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.138004062 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3810785068 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1183006762 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3528597157 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.306876706 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2041264147 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3340735890 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3134509894 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1155722810 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4252249814 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.25821607 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1773384492 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3492172125 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.909676127 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1092047290 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3728333892 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4031213976 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3729591057 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2091326406 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4188526732 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2071881682 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.49608026 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1553198949 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1792600516 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3793074209 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3701821346 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2976321937 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2300093497 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2240924969 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2413950258 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2903045513 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.750957724 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.777246441 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1014775282 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1206827470 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-navigation.json.107044431 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3302324008 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.651752127 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3242271408 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.833980027 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3960016087 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4020538001 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1850762939 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2930681794 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.364682626 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.535196229 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.130400351 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4270739805 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.4052493727 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3407952868 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.473409271 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.838335744 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2062240129 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3160448925 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3474432581 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1009533630 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2663926850 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3500315438 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2142598998 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.953380282 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.23493116 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3848346929 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.560622228 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1145456509 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.849608001 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2533492385 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.675939895 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3722001674 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.2753620487 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.135696567 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1820473771 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.3415654148 new file created
%APPDATA%\Sky Go\qgd-redux-location.json.1291857327 new file created

Free check to identify Sky Go.exe related errors.

Scan your PC See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

Special Offer: Click "Scan Your PC" to download Outbyte PC Repair and perform a free scan to identify and rectify Sky Go.exe related issues.

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Sky Go.exe's virus check


of antivirus scans don't detect any virus in it


of antivirus scans detect it as a potentially unwanted program


of antivirus scans detect a virus in it

Sky Go.exe user rating


of users rate Sky Go.exe as a useful program


of users find Sky Go.exe to be a potentially unwanted program


of users find Sky Go.exe to be malicious or a scam