What is QQLive.exe?

QQLive.exe is part of and developed by Tencent according to the QQLive.exe file information. In certain cases, malicious trackers and scripts can disguise themselves as legitimate files, like QQLive.exe, leading to glitches, overload and system malfunctions.

In such cases, QQLive.exe can create unnecessary records and folders in the Windows registry. Check your PC to eliminate possible application conflicts and system failures.

Consider running a Free Scan for QQLive.exe related Issues to identify and fix potential problems efficiently.

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Special Offer: Select your preferred language and click “Download Now” to get Outbyte PC Repair, a utility specifically designed for system optimization and addressing QQLive.exe related issues. Outbyte PC Repair will automatically identify and rectify potential system discrepancies and inefficiencies. The software is regularly updated to provide users with the latest, manufacturer-approved versions. It's compatible with the unknown your machine is currently running.

QQLive.exe's description is "".

QQLive.exe is digitally signed by Tencent.

QQLive.exe is an .exe file.

QQLive.exe is usually located in the following folder:


QQLive.exe basic information

Internal Name

QQLive.exe running processes

%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Internet Explorer\IELowutil.exe

Free check to identify QQLive.exe related errors.

List of the actions QQLive.exe executes on a user's PC
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%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\39. 玛嘉烈与大卫-绿豆.png new file created
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%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\14. 最佳利益.lnk new file created
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%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\2. 残香无痕.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\16. 教父1.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\30. 居家生日会·我们三岁啦!.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\43. 爆笑两姐妹.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\14. 隐秘而伟大.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\15. 溏心风暴3[粤语版].lnk new file created
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%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\39. 玛嘉烈与大卫-绿豆.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\3. 12的魔法.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\16. 教父1.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\30. 居家生日会·我们三岁啦!.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\44. 泽塔奥特曼普通话版.png new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\15. 潜梦追凶.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\16. 覆活.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\26. 九流霸主.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\39. 玛嘉烈与大卫-绿豆.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\3. 12的魔法.ico new file created
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%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\30. 居家生日会·我们三岁啦!.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\44. 泽塔奥特曼普通话版.ico new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\16. 好想和你在一起.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\17. 宫心计2深宫计[粤语版].lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\26. 九流霸主.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\40. 温柔的慈悲.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\3. 12的魔法.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\17. 群英会京剧.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\30. 居家生日会·我们三岁啦!.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\44. 泽塔奥特曼普通话版.url new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\17. 燕云台.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\18. 遗失的2分之1.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\27. 绝地反击.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\40. 温柔的慈悲.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\3. 12的魔法.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\17. 群英会京剧.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\31. 开学季·烦恼烦恼快走开.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\44. 泽塔奥特曼普通话版.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\18. 武林秘案之美人图鉴.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\19. 使徒行者2[普通话版].lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\27. 绝地反击.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\40. 温柔的慈悲.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\4. 假如你很富有.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\17. 群英会京剧.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\31. 开学季·烦恼烦恼快走开.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\45. 元气食堂-小视频特别版.png new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\19. 三十而已.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\2. 因为我喜欢你.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\27. 绝地反击.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\40. 温柔的慈悲.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\4. 假如你很富有.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\17. 群英会京剧.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\31. 开学季·烦恼烦恼快走开.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\45. 元气食堂-小视频特别版.ico new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\2. 大江大河2.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\20. 爱的3.14159.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\27. 绝地反击.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\41. 滚石爱情故事.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\4. 假如你很富有.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\18. 贵妃醉酒.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\31. 开学季·烦恼烦恼快走开.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\45. 元气食堂-小视频特别版.url new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\20. 我,喜欢你.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\21. 使徒行者2[粤语版].lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\28. 将夜2.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\41. 滚石爱情故事.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\4. 假如你很富有.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\18. 贵妃醉酒.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\32. 小猪佩奇第5季.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\45. 元气食堂-小视频特别版.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\21. 一路上有你.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\22. 做工的人[闽南语版].lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\28. 将夜2.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\41. 滚石爱情故事.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\5. 周而复死.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\18. 贵妃醉酒.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\32. 小猪佩奇第5季.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\46. 小狮子赛几-小视频特别版.png new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\22. 三生三世枕上书.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\23. 天堂的微笑.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\28. 将夜2.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\41. 滚石爱情故事.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\5. 周而复死.ico new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\18. 贵妃醉酒.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\教育亲子\32. 小猪佩奇第5季.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\动漫影视\46. 小狮子赛几-小视频特别版.ico new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\内地剧场\23. 传闻中的陈芊芊.lnk new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\腾讯影视库\港台剧场\24. 心冤[普通话版].lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\内地剧场\28. 将夜2.lnk new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\港台剧场\42. 海峡往事.png new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\最新电影\5. 周而复死.url new file created
%APPDATA%\Tencent\QQLive\Episode\豆瓣高分\19. 梅兰芳的舞台艺术(下).png new file created

Free check to identify QQLive.exe related errors.

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Special Offer: Click "Scan Your PC" to download Outbyte PC Repair and perform a free scan to identify and rectify QQLive.exe related issues.

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