What is ProToolsFirst.exe?

ProToolsFirst.exe is part of ProToolsFirstApplication and developed by Avid Technology, Inc. according to the ProToolsFirst.exe file information. In certain cases, malicious trackers and scripts can disguise themselves as legitimate files, like ProToolsFirst.exe, leading to glitches, overload and system malfunctions.

In such cases, ProToolsFirst.exe can create unnecessary records and folders in the Windows registry. Check your PC to eliminate possible application conflicts and system failures.

Consider running a Free Scan for ProToolsFirst.exe related Issues to identify and fix potential problems efficiently.

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Special Offer: Select your preferred language and click “Download Now” to get Outbyte PC Repair, a utility specifically designed for system optimization and addressing ProToolsFirst.exe related issues. Outbyte PC Repair will automatically identify and rectify potential system discrepancies and inefficiencies. The software is regularly updated to provide users with the latest, manufacturer-approved versions. It's compatible with the unknown your machine is currently running.

ProToolsFirst.exe's description is "ProToolsFirstApplication".

ProToolsFirst.exe is digitally signed by Avid Technology, Inc..

ProToolsFirst.exe is an .exe file.

ProToolsFirst.exe is usually located in the following folder:

%PROGRAMFILES(X64)%\Avid\Pro Tools First\ProToolsFirst.exe

ProToolsFirst.exe basic information

Internal Name

ProToolsFirst.exe running processes

%PROGRAMFILES(X64)%\Avid\Pro Tools First\Pro Tools Helper.exe

Free check to identify ProToolsFirst.exe related errors.

List of the actions ProToolsFirst.exe executes on a user's PC
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Local Storage\leveldb\MANIFEST-000001 new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Session Templates\Pro Tools First\Pop.ptxt new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\Vocals\Solidify Female Vocals .tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+58 Organ Swirl.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\+33 Off World.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\29 Rhythm Cloud.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+27 Krank Call.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\+39 Crunched Glass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\22 Toneless FM.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+25 Tuba.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\25 Git Riddum.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\62 Mamboo Bass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+065 Pop Hop 101.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Local Storage\leveldb\000001.dbtmp new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Session Templates\Pro Tools First\Rock.ptxt new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\Vocals\Solidify Male Vocals .tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+59 String Sweep Pad.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\+34 The Bigger Story.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\30 Wallace.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+28 Thumb Arp.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\+40 Blow Bell.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\23 Belly E Piano.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+26 Orchestral Brass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\26 Major + Minor Bar Chords.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\63 Move it.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+066 Pop Hop 111.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Local Storage\leveldb\CURRENT file renamed
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Session Templates\Pro Tools First\Songwriter.ptxt new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\Vocals\Telephone Vocal - 7 Band.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+60 Synth Pad.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\+35 Orchestral Creation.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\31 Control Center.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+29 Perkz FM.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\01 Nice Wave.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\24 Warm FM + Tremolo.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+27 Full Orchestra.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\27 Clean 1st + 5th Strum.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\64 Raggae-Resobass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+067 Pop Hop 130.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Local Storage\leveldb\000003.log new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings new catalogue created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\Vocals\Vocal Cleanup.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+61 Flutorgy.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\+36 Sad Maja.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\32 Didjeridont.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+30 Celeste Bubbles.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\02 Lost In Space.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\25 Synth EP.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+28 Full House.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\28 First Clean Guitar.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\65 1 Osc Saw Bass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+068 Pop Hop 140.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Session Storage new catalogue created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\D-Verb new catalogue created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\_1 Band EQ new catalogue created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+62 Warm Cooking.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\+37 Harmony Strings.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\33 Ambient Droplets.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+31 Khol Drum Hi.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\03 Metal With Mandolins.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\26 Artificial Jazz EP.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+29 Brass + Strings.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\29 Clean Wah Guitar.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\66 1 Osc Saw Sync Bass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+069 Pop Hop 160.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Session Storage\LOG new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\D-Verb\Ambience Bright.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\_1 Band EQ\Acoustic Guitar new catalogue created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+63 Airy Sweep.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\01 Majestic.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\34 Moon Dawn.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+32 Short Organ.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\04 In Full Effect.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\27 FineTine.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+30 Trom+FHrn+Trum.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\30 Funky Mod Electric.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\67 1 Osc Square-Pulse Bass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+070 Pop Hop2 080.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Session Storage\LOCK new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\D-Verb\Ambience Dark.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\_1 Band EQ\Acoustic Guitar\Add Dimension.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+64 Fractal.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\02 Mother Of All Pads.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\35 Reflecting Sonar.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+33 Attack.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\05 Keyboarder.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\28 Golden EP.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\18 Brass + Woodwind\+31 Lars Vegas.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\21 Guitars\31 Dynamic Wah Guitar.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\24 Synth Basses\68 1 Osc Square-Pulse Sync Bass.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\28 Loops\+071 Pop Hop2 091.tfx new file created
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Avid\Pro Tools\Cache\Session Storage\MANIFEST-000001 new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\D-Verb\Boomy.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\EQ 3.0\_1 Band EQ\Acoustic Guitar\Add Resonance.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\01 Soft Pads\+65 Beautiflute.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\03 Huge Pads\03 Space Is The Place.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\05 Ambience + FX\36 Noisy Shutdown.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\08 Percussive\+34 Octastring.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\11 Soft Leads\06 Unison Square Lead.tfx new file created
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Pro Tools\Plug-In Settings\Xpand!2\14 E Pianos + Clav\29 Synth EP + Tremolo.tfx new file created

Free check to identify ProToolsFirst.exe related errors.

Scan your PC See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

Special Offer: Click "Scan Your PC" to download Outbyte PC Repair and perform a free scan to identify and rectify ProToolsFirst.exe related issues.

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ProToolsFirst.exe's virus check


of antivirus scans don't detect any virus in it


of antivirus scans detect it as a potentially unwanted program


of antivirus scans detect a virus in it

ProToolsFirst.exe user rating


of users rate ProToolsFirst.exe as a useful program


of users find ProToolsFirst.exe to be a potentially unwanted program


of users find ProToolsFirst.exe to be malicious or a scam