What is Ledger Live.exe?

Ledger Live.exe is part of LedgerLive and developed by Ledger Live Team according to the Ledger Live.exe file information. In certain cases, malicious trackers and scripts can disguise themselves as legitimate files, like Ledger Live.exe, leading to glitches, overload and system malfunctions.

In such cases, Ledger Live.exe can create unnecessary records and folders in the Windows registry. Check your PC to eliminate possible application conflicts and system failures.

Consider running a Free Scan for Ledger Live.exe related Issues to identify and fix potential problems efficiently.

Special offer
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Special Offer: Select your preferred language and click “Download Now” to get Outbyte PC Repair, a utility specifically designed for system optimization and addressing Ledger Live.exe related issues. Outbyte PC Repair will automatically identify and rectify potential system discrepancies and inefficiencies. The software is regularly updated to provide users with the latest, manufacturer-approved versions. It's compatible with the unknown your machine is currently running.

Ledger Live.exe's description is "LedgerLive".

Ledger Live.exe is digitally signed by Ledger Live Team.

Ledger Live.exe is an .exe file.

Ledger Live.exe is usually located in the following folder:

%PROGRAMFILES(X64)%\Ledger Live\Ledger Live.exe

Ledger Live.exe basic information

Internal Name
Ledger Live

Ledger Live.exe running processes


Free check to identify Ledger Live.exe related errors.

List of the actions Ledger Live.exe executes on a user's PC
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\e0c3b3db-6ead-44f4-9cb4-1b14e6f1307b.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2805252397 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.4133548229 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38e87583.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39355fd2.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\830a66ef-bdd2-4787-875d-8267371c0711.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3d33d862.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a5c54e.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3206009904 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38e87583.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39355fd2.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3989989c.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3539436200 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a5c54e.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2161262528 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2374827199 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1791647928 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3989989c.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\e74f609c-9e46-49ae-ba7d-3af99fbf59c1.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3201872969 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\615599fe-76a5-465c-8501-a6f4222ce279.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1209810272 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.227886036 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3747572231 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3d3488c6.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1845465989 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3899bc31.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.4135923540 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3256258270 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.345494610 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3d3488c6.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\98efdf5e-cf03-45ec-8b07-c36d7bffc995.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3899bc31.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.681780722 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\89a0bef3-d356-4435-90e7-8db65968c808.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3849422251 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2056652334 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a79aaa.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2737005537 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.575529734 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39373bf4.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\d4603ca4-fe10-416f-8db0-e2c4fbf81a99.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3685378911 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a79aaa.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.696313826 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\08d46318-4267-4a1f-842d-74a1c20ca1c5.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39373bf4.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF398b6e18.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1019095063 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3064618161 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\9cef7ba7-0a2e-4ae7-99ad-d2f5f4ecc7b2.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38ea483f.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3831272703 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF398b6e18.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.501452002 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\725d0ce5-4249-4164-b765-7cd48359b823.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF389b8a2a.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38ea483f.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1582152185 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.622726580 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1384112486 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a96fc8.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF389b8a2a.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.517125043 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\012def44-c907-4ba2-92b6-64e37cdf2952.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3531946265 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\cd80b1d4-6dbc-4031-b7f8-f3ad2c9be176.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32a96fc8.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1489898222 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.494752375 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39390615.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2855766455 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3d3c2c86.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3365150247 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.4030870388 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.921150399 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF39390615.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\d1f9fb33-88eb-47a2-a71d-c070c575360b.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF3d3c2c86.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2697742753 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3394858277 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\3ec7cfc9-cdbd-4d63-830d-47ab95e28f07.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3177764787 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF398d41ce.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2810323934 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\18a3126b-b45d-4a34-86bc-e88deec2b36e.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\57c4859f-7243-4bc2-bc02-460ef41ec60e.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38ec1c73.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.3250459707 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF398d41ce.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2159596010 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32ab438e.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF389d64c6.TMP new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF38ec1c73.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\35404d20-64cf-455a-9990-3be84a910698.tmp new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.2432032160 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.4169225312 new file created
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF32ab438e.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\TransportSecurity~RF389d64c6.TMP file renamed
%APPDATA%\Ledger Live\app.json.1424611308 new file created

Free check to identify Ledger Live.exe related errors.

Scan your PC See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

Special Offer: Click "Scan Your PC" to download Outbyte PC Repair and perform a free scan to identify and rectify Ledger Live.exe related issues.

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Outbyte PC Repair
All-in-one Windows optimization tool

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Download PC Repair See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy.

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Ledger Live.exe's virus check


of antivirus scans don't detect any virus in it


of antivirus scans detect it as a potentially unwanted program


of antivirus scans detect a virus in it

Ledger Live.exe user rating


of users rate Ledger Live.exe as a useful program


of users find Ledger Live.exe to be a potentially unwanted program


of users find Ledger Live.exe to be malicious or a scam