How to Remove Kuus Ransomware

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Ransomware attacks have surged in the first half of 2020, as cybercriminals seek to spread and gain from file-encrypting malware while people continue working from home. Kuus ransomware is among the many ransomware entities that have resurfaced in 2020.

Here is a guide on how to remove the Kuus ransomware.

What is Kuus Ransomware?

Kuus is identified as a ransomware infection. It belongs to the known Djvu ransomware family, which is associated with 240+ other ransomware and virus variants.

This family of ransomware uses one of the strongest encryption algorithms – AES-256. Once it encrypts files, it would be difficult to recover them without the unique decryption key. Kuus ransomware developers demand that victims pay a ransom or buy a decryption key to get their files back.

What Does Kuus Ransomware Do?

Kuus ransomware infiltrates a user’s system and encrypts private files, specifically targeting videos, photos, and documents such as:

  • word
  • pdf
  • xls
  • doc

It uses a robust encryption algorithm and blocks attempted access to the files. It then modifies the files and adds a .kuus extension on the encrypted files.

After encrypting the documents, Kuus leaves a special ransomware note as a “_readme.txt” added on all the modified files. This text contains the attackers’ message to the victim informing them of how to contact the attackers, and how to pay a ransom for the files to be decrypted.

Kuus Ransomware can permanently delete your files or download other viruses into your system.

Important Note!

The ransom message asks victims to pay $980 or $490 for the decryption of their files. If you read this message, do not pay for it, and do not contact the attackers.

You can recover your files using the Kuus ransomware removal instructions in this post.

How Did the Kuus Ransomware Get into My Computer?

The Kuus ransomware is usually distributed through spam email containing infected links or attachments. The links exploit vulnerabilities in the PC’s operating system and other installed programs.

Other methods through which Kuus ransomware is distributed include:

  • Bundled installation with freeware or shareware
  • Dubious websites (web injects)
  • Exploits
  • Free online (web) hosting resources
  • Illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) resources used to download freeware (pirated software)
  • Fake operating system updates
  • Repackaged installers

The Kuus ransomware will not be visible on your computer and is not among your available programs. It masks itself with some malicious process running in the background.

Kuus Ransomware Removal Instructions

If you want to recover encrypted files by Kuus ransomware, you can either decrypt them using a quality decryption tool or try file recovery methods to retrieve them.


You should understand that if you decide to start the removal process, you risk losing your files. Kuus often rejects third-party decryption tools. Your files risk permanently being compromised when you remove the infection or recover the encrypted files by yourself. We recommended that you create a backup image of the encrypted drives before you proceed with the removal process.

Use the following Kuus ransomware removal instructions to remove the malware and regain access to your PC:

  1. Scan your PC for Kuus ransomware and other malware

Kuus ransomware is a dangerous computer infection. Its algorithms are beyond the function of ordinary anti-malware or anti-virus software. You will need to use quality anti-malware programs to remove it.

Ensure you download the anti-malware from the official manufacturer’s website to avoid installing an untrusted program. Once you install the program, follow the program’s instructions to conduct a full system scan and remove malware entities in your PC.

Often, Kuus will remain because its algorithms beat normal malware removal methods. If you are lucky, the anti-malware tool should be more than enough to remove Kuus ransomware.

  1. Decrypt .kuus files

File decrypter files keep changing as criminals continue developing new malware. To decrypt Kuus-encrypted files, you can use Emsisoft’s decryption tool. Follow these steps:

    • Download and run Emsisoft’s decryptor tool.
    • Launch the tool as an administrator.
    • Select the files or folder for decryption (Emsisoft decryptor has default settings that automatically identify files and folders that need to be decrypted.)
    • Click “decrypt” once you’ve selected all the files you want to decrypt.

The decryption process may take some time. Wait until the process is complete. The decryptor tool will notify you when the procedure is completed.

Note: If the Emsisoft decryptor fails to decrypt the files, you can search for other file decryptor tools online. Ensure that you first find the true name and registry of the Kuus ransomware.

  1. Restore files using data recovery tools

You can also restore your files using third-party data recovery tools. Depending on the tool you choose, you can conduct a full system scan and instruct the tool to recover all the encrypted files.

Final Thoughts

The best ways to avoid ransomware infection and other malware include maintaining regular backups and keeping your programs updated. You also need to ensure your PC is up to date and always have active security software to prevent the installation of dubious programs and malware.

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